Category Archives: General Posts

Family Page Galleries, Post Pages and Authorship on The Site

Out of necessity, and in order to make sure that we are correctly linking data from and to the correct individuals, I am proposing that each of us (who are interested in this process) begin making nested family blog posts which will include photos from our own personal archives.

Doing so will help in a few ways: first, I won’t feel so responsible for errors…  (ok, smile if you will)… Secondly, we can build the family post pages in greater fashion while leaving the family PAGES (older, more historical data) intact and available to build upon those as well.  And third, you will each have control over your posts, and your authorship will be duly noted on each page.  That authorship is most important in establishing your rights to the material you post.

For example, I know that Bill Guest has a truly amazing article that will soon be posted regarding his Grand Uncle, Eric Standring (I believe that is his correct label… Bill? If I’m wrong, please correct me, it’s been a bit since I read it… but as I recall, Eric was your grandmother’s brother?).  Making sure Bill (and his wife Sue) has/have the appropriate attribution is important, and topping it off, he or they will be able to add photos to the story which will add a much more human feel and longer term impact.

I would also like to encourage each of you to write an author statement.  It would be the final paragraph, is biographical in nature and should be italicized to distinguish between your post and your statement.   If you will follow along a moment, each of you with authorship attribution (which most of you will have if you intend to contribute) when you complete your post (but before you actually publish it) should scroll down the dashboard page until you see the box labeled “Author”.  Click on the name in the box and scroll until you see your own, then select it.  When you post the page, it will name you as the Author automatically and as the articles are dated and timed, your claim to the copyright is fairly complete, short of submitting to the offices of copyright.

You are also able to upload audio and video files, which can be effectively added to a page as well. Feel free to address anyone reading as if you are telling the precise story you want.  When you close the page, your author statement will conclude the page.

While we all want to share the joys of our children and pets and more, I would prefer to not get into overkill.  We might offer a “Dexter Pets” page of photos, but the kids stick with the best of the best.  Special events, yes; recognitions, etc.  Things which put them in historical context – military service or a fraternal organization that may be documented as important to our descendants… But everyday posts can go onto Facebook or other social media for sharing.

I’ll do a starter page and see if we can build upon that.  Our collages should wind up being quite fascinating.

Love to all,


PS: Here is a sample author statement.  If you need help, let me know and we can talk it out.

Connie Dexter Spicer has been investigating her family origins, since, as a teenager-one of her school social science classes was a study of family history after the film Roots came out. The information she gathered then became the basis for all her research since. And, since those modest beginnings lead to connecting with cousins all over the world, it has been a very merry adventure for her.


How To Reach Us

Happy New Year 2015, Friends and Family!

We are all busy people, right, so it would be nice to have the option to reach folks as soon as possible.  Should you want to request information, have a problem with the site or just in general need some other guidance here, feel free to email us at:  (don’t worry, caps are not necessary.  I only put them in to make it easier to read)

Or if you want to make a phone call, my number is (772) 226-0277.

You can also join our mailing list or ask a question using the form below, so don’t be shy, join in the fun.  We don’t submit a new article every day, but we do review email because we enjoy learning about this family!

Connie (Dexter) Spicer

Connie Jean Dexter Spicer
Connie Jean Dexter Spicer, 2014

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Dexter Genealogy Site Question’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]


How To Use Our New Site

How To Use This Site (The Basics)

Welcome to this new Dexter site “How To” article.  As you will find out, this is very different from our old ‘MyFamily’ site and it is with gratitude that we must thank Connie Dexter Spicer for her hard work and endeavours in getting this site up and working to the extent that she has.

What Needs Done

Many of the threads need to be checked out that they have transferred ok and the attribution for all items including photographs or articles might be incorrect. How to do this?  Simply read them and if you notice an error, tell us!

It is important that, where possible, these are dealt with correctly and the correct attribution can be made. It is not our intention to claim copyright or authorship over your material!

Many of you have spent a vast amount of time in research and it is important your efforts be recognised.  It is not our interest to take credit for your hard work, so please let us know, should you find something that you recognize as your own.  Our research has been done over decades and we don’t always remember where or from whom things came.

How To Author A New Post

All articles submitted should be done usingPosts/Add Newfrom the left side of the dashboard.  All posts are added directly to the blog and are publicly posted. As an author or content creator, please do NOT add new “Pages”.  Those main pages are primarily for direction, not for additions.

So, click “Posts” – “Add New”, and a new center will open.

  • To make your article easy to find from the Internet, make sure your title is concise and goes along with your content. You wouldn’t be able to find an article about Staines, England if you are talking about Dayton, Ohio, for example.
  • Once your photos are added to the media library, you can insert into your article by clicking the “Add Media” (we also have sign up forms you can add – just click “Add Form” for family members to sign up for our website.
  • Use the toolbar above the text area, just as you would use a Word program to write any document.
  • Use “Tags” – You can “Tag” information in your article by looking to the right sidebar.  Tags are Keywords and Key Phrases that describe what is in your post, what you’re writing about.  You should also designate a “Category” so your post can appear in the best location for others to find.  When in doubt, leave that blank and an editor can help.
  • You an add a Featured Image as well, to help define your page.  So, if you are writing about how Aunt Mary started an organization and you have a photo of Aunt Mary at her new organization, upload that image!  What a perfect representation!

Rules of the Internet for Writing Posts

  1. Keep paragraphs small (2 to 5 sentences, 20-25 words per sentence); no more than 300 words per paragraph.  (Think short, clear thoughts)
  2. Use  Headings to divide longer paragraphs.  Use smaller headings within the same ideas to convey that the idea is part of the primary heading.  (Example-look at this page.  We start with a welcome and How To…  It is then broken down into smaller bits so it can be followed more easily.
  3. Try not to use a lot of passive language.  Passive uses soft verbs, not active.  This may take practice, but you will appreciate how much clearer your writing becomes.
  4. Be SURE to ADD Photos or other media file that directly relate to your topic and completes a train of thought.  Articles are always more interesting with something visual.
  5. Be sure to LINK to other pages (not within the site, although you can.  If you have problems with this, please ask.)
  6. Finally, if you aren’t sure how it’s going to play out, send one of us your article and let us review it.  We can suggest “How To” make it better.

OK, I Published.  Now What?

After your post is published, a few things happen.  You can post the URL (easiest to copy/paste it) and share with your social media.

It  also becomes open to comments. When someone makes comments on any post, they won’t appear automatically as in the past.  All comments go to the Admin Team of Connie Dexter Spicer and myself for approval. This helps keep unwanted spam out of posts.

How To Add New Media To The Library

Do you want to add photos, videos or audio files you have saved?  From the Dashboard on the left side, click on “Media” (or the camera/music note icon), then Add New.

From there you can drag and drop (just right-click and hold the file) you want to upload or within the box, click the “Select Files” button.  Once uploaded, be sure to add Alternative Text (which describes the purpose of the image.  For example, I uploaded a death certificate.  The purpose is to “provide proof for a D.A.R. record”).

It is not necessary to add it if it is a decorative photo, such as a garden, your pet or something similar, unless you wish.  Do include a caption, which provides a title for your image.  This works great for those decorative photos or simple video/audio files.

We’ll talk about how to insert this information into your own posts, but it is very easy to do – and if you play within the dashboard, you will quickly teach yourself most of this.

Have Fun!

Well that’s all for now, play around with what’s available to you on the site and please use the ‘Help Me’ tutorial at the bottom of the page to help you to get around.  Or, you can email Connie for some lessons by writing “”.

We look forward to seeing you all with your contributions in the near future.

George Dexter

Family sign up
If you would like to join our family website, just send a request. You must be part of the Dexter or affiliated families. Feel free to send your gedcom for verification.

Dexter Family International (MyFamily) Threads

While I could not retain and download all of the very many threads we had accumulated over 15 years, the threads I will be attaching on this set of posts will be the personal anecdotes, commentary and speculation specifically from the Dexters International family website that we had built.  Right now, with foot surgery keeping me off my feet for the next few weeks, it seems the perfect time to begin posting these threads.  These will be nested here in the appropriate category.

Feel free to let me know if you spot any errors or omissions at any time.


Sending love to all,


Dexter Genealogy Blog Posts

Since the website and blog are just getting started, categorizing where things need to go is a priority.  Photos will have a gallery and detailed information can be submitted to go with each one.  I will also try with my best effort to link the photos to the related family and individuals to which they belong.

So, where did they come from?  What is it that drove these people from one land and sent them out to explore others?  What is going on with the brick walls we seem to encounter and what suggestions can you make to help break through them?

We’ll start with the most recent decendents and work our way back to the oldest forefathers.


We’ll start with Edward Harvey Dexter Junior, my dad’s father.  <Click here> to be taken to his page and to see his family