All posts by CJ Spicer

Born in Dayton, Ohio, Connie grew up on the same street as her husband David. After going separate ways after high school, they reunited in 2000 and married in 2001. Recently celebrating 20 years of marriage, Connie plans to make the next 20 even better and would love for all her family to join in the fun here on the Dexter (and related families) website.

Family Page Galleries, Post Pages and Authorship on The Site

Out of necessity, and in order to make sure that we are correctly linking data from and to the correct individuals, I am proposing that each of us (who are interested in this process) begin making nested family blog posts which will include photos from our own personal archives.

Doing so will help in a few ways: first, I won’t feel so responsible for errors…  (ok, smile if you will)… Secondly, we can build the family post pages in greater fashion while leaving the family PAGES (older, more historical data) intact and available to build upon those as well.  And third, you will each have control over your posts, and your authorship will be duly noted on each page.  That authorship is most important in establishing your rights to the material you post.

For example, I know that Bill Guest has a truly amazing article that will soon be posted regarding his Grand Uncle, Eric Standring (I believe that is his correct label… Bill? If I’m wrong, please correct me, it’s been a bit since I read it… but as I recall, Eric was your grandmother’s brother?).  Making sure Bill (and his wife Sue) has/have the appropriate attribution is important, and topping it off, he or they will be able to add photos to the story which will add a much more human feel and longer term impact.

I would also like to encourage each of you to write an author statement.  It would be the final paragraph, is biographical in nature and should be italicized to distinguish between your post and your statement.   If you will follow along a moment, each of you with authorship attribution (which most of you will have if you intend to contribute) when you complete your post (but before you actually publish it) should scroll down the dashboard page until you see the box labeled “Author”.  Click on the name in the box and scroll until you see your own, then select it.  When you post the page, it will name you as the Author automatically and as the articles are dated and timed, your claim to the copyright is fairly complete, short of submitting to the offices of copyright.

You are also able to upload audio and video files, which can be effectively added to a page as well. Feel free to address anyone reading as if you are telling the precise story you want.  When you close the page, your author statement will conclude the page.

While we all want to share the joys of our children and pets and more, I would prefer to not get into overkill.  We might offer a “Dexter Pets” page of photos, but the kids stick with the best of the best.  Special events, yes; recognitions, etc.  Things which put them in historical context – military service or a fraternal organization that may be documented as important to our descendants… But everyday posts can go onto Facebook or other social media for sharing.

I’ll do a starter page and see if we can build upon that.  Our collages should wind up being quite fascinating.

Love to all,


PS: Here is a sample author statement.  If you need help, let me know and we can talk it out.

Connie Dexter Spicer has been investigating her family origins, since, as a teenager-one of her school social science classes was a study of family history after the film Roots came out. The information she gathered then became the basis for all her research since. And, since those modest beginnings lead to connecting with cousins all over the world, it has been a very merry adventure for her.


How To Reach Us

Happy New Year 2015, Friends and Family!

We are all busy people, right, so it would be nice to have the option to reach folks as soon as possible.  Should you want to request information, have a problem with the site or just in general need some other guidance here, feel free to email us at:  (don’t worry, caps are not necessary.  I only put them in to make it easier to read)

Or if you want to make a phone call, my number is (772) 226-0277.

You can also join our mailing list or ask a question using the form below, so don’t be shy, join in the fun.  We don’t submit a new article every day, but we do review email because we enjoy learning about this family!

Connie (Dexter) Spicer

Connie Jean Dexter Spicer
Connie Jean Dexter Spicer, 2014

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Dexter Genealogy Site Question’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]


From February 8, 2000

Tyler & Family’s Happenings – Feb 8, 2000


Mommy and Daddy have been in the longest search for a new home for our newest family member.   Our search has been bittersweet along the way.   Currently we are staying with Jim’s mother, Peggy and her husband Wayne until a suitable home for us is found.

Tyler on the other hand is growing like a weed.   At his last check-up (Jan. 3) He was 23 in. and 18 lbs. 13 oz.   He is eating solids now, mostly peas, sweet potatoes, squash, and occasional bananas.   His next Dr. appointment is March 3.

We suspect the process of teething is beginning.   He is creeping—- Backwards and in circles (like his Daddy I’m told)—- he can almost roll over, if he got the bottom arm out of the way and he can sit UNASSISTED for a whole 3 minutes!!! As you can well see Mommy and Daddy are very excited and exhausted as taking care of a 5 mo. old, work and house hunting takes a lot out of anyone.

Take care,
Love, Hugs, n Sloppy Tyler kisses,
Lillian, Jim, and Tyler Turner

  – Feb 8, 2000

When I got home from work this evening, I found out Tyler FINALLY rolled over by himself. :))))))))))

Anne Kinser – Feb 9, 2000

I think its wonderful news &the part about tyler is soo cute. I would love to baby-sit for you at any time (not during school hours of course:))


Mom Dexter – Feb 11, 2000

Welcome to the world of parenthood.   Tag!   You are it.   Love Nanna

Dexter Family International (MyFamily) Threads

While I could not retain and download all of the very many threads we had accumulated over 15 years, the threads I will be attaching on this set of posts will be the personal anecdotes, commentary and speculation specifically from the Dexters International family website that we had built.  Right now, with foot surgery keeping me off my feet for the next few weeks, it seems the perfect time to begin posting these threads.  These will be nested here in the appropriate category.

Feel free to let me know if you spot any errors or omissions at any time.


Sending love to all,


Edward H. Dexter, Junior


Edward Harvey Dexter, Jr. was born on November 13, 1909, the first child born to Edward H. Dexter Sr. and Josephine Johanna Swan in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio.  He and his wife, Majorie Elizabeth (nee Huston) were married on February 22, 1931 in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio.

Marriage License of Ed and Marj Dexter
Marriage License of Ed and Marj Dexter


In May of 1931, Edward and Marjorie had a son they named Richard Allen.  Richard did not live long and was buried on May 8, 1931 within the same interment ground as his aunt, Gladys (Houston) Marts.

RichardAllenDexterheadstone wt Gladys Houston

In June of 1933, Ronald Harvey Dexter was born


In Aug of 1937, Carol Ann Dexter was born.


Ed often went to see his son’s track events and football games and when it was time, he was able to send his daughter to nursing school.

As kids, I didn’t really notice how little my dad’s parents were involved in our lives.  We visited them at Christmas and Easter, and that was it. The only other times were when they visited our home for a party my parents would hold, though that was rare.  By the time I came along, my grandfather was already having issues with his eyesight and rarely drove after dark.

Ed held a variety of jobs over his lifetime, from working at a local drive-in theater, where he was once pistol-whipped by a thief to NCR, from where he retired when he was in his 60’s.

He had developed diabetes and it was controlled by a very strict diet, which Marj tended to daily.  He had a number of episodes, a few which put him in hospital due to the diabetes, and he also had issues with his heart.  He had a pacemaker put in and it kept him going for many years.

Ed finally developed cancer, which took his life in February of 1991.  He had a quiet life led by a very quiet man.

Things I remember about Ed: his eternal cigars, the garden in the backyard of their home on Watervliet; dancing with him at my first wedding and always worrying about him because he seemed so sad and beaten.